FLSC Membership Info    

Membership has its privileges

Membership is open to anyone genuinely interested in soaring and participating in a cooperative club environment; no previous experience is necessary. Members are expected to participate in Club operations. This may include recording the day's operations, helping to launch sailplanes, working on Club equipment and facilities, or working as a towpilot or glider flight instructor. Unlike many commercial flying schools, you DO NOT pay anything for the instruction you receive. Our instructors volunteer their time as members of the Club and we welcome new members!

SPECIAL Junior/Student Membership - You can start learning to fly as early as 10 (but cannot solo an aircraft until you are 14). Our Junior Program, for those less than 19 years old allows you to earn flying lessons while only paying $10/month membership fee. Acceptance into this program is on a space available basis. We like Junior members to commit to being at the field for at least 4 hours on three Saturdays/month (instruction is normally on Saturday, Sunday through prior arrangement). They are expected to help and learn by performing the activities described earlier.

The Student membership level makes you a full member of the Club for a reduced membership fee. Available to those under 24 years old.

For those interested in joining we have a three-lesson Introductory Membership for just $250 and you can fly the plane!. This offers three instructional flights so you can become familar with Club operations and get more flying experience.

Because all FLSC members are expected to work for the club, we are able to keep costs low.
To review our bylaws, click here - FLSC Bylaws

Members are required to belong to the Soaring Society of America, which has annual dues (see SSA below.)

Application Links

Membership Fees and Dues

Membership Class Membership Fees Refundable Share Amt. Dues
"A" Regular $550 $200 $55 per month
Regular Student $275 $100 $55 per month
Long Distance $550 $200 $15 per month
Junior Member $100 n/a $10 per month
Temporary Student $275 $100 $55 per month
Special Tow Pilot n/a n/a $50 annually
Reciprocal n/a n/a n/a
Guest Member n/a n/a n/a
Social Member $10 n/a $10 annually

Aero Tow Fee $18.00 per 1,000 feet - Juniors pay flat $12 Tow Fee until after solo, then at a reduced rate of $10 per 1,000 feet.

Practice Rope Break Fee $5 per occurence - Not payed by juniors.
The old hookup fee for all tows has been removed.

Aero-Tow Retrieve $65 per hour (either towplane)

Winch Launch $8.50 per launch

Trailer/Tie Down $30.00 per month (Privately Owned Aircraft)

Hangar Fee $50.00 per month (Privately Owned Aircraft)

SSA Membership   -  Billed through the club once a year. Updated Jan 2024
Full Member   $75 per year
Youth Member (21 and younger)   $42 per year
Family Member   $45 per year
Contact Information    
Finger Lakes Soaring Club
3 Forbes St.
Dansville, NY 14437
Call: (585) 335-5849
Click to email us!
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